About BeeMedia

Bee Media.is a leading Online Media Company and Display Advertising Broker. It delivers high quality Verified Leads based on our clients specifications through a winning combination of high performing ad units, granular targeting, competitive pricing, and multiple optimization capabilities. Launched in 2011, Bee Media is one of the most profitable sources of traffic for our brokers/Clients. With highly competitive CPLs (cost–per–Lead) compared to other traffic sources such as search engines, extremely well targeted ad placements. In today’s world people want to get what they are paying for and not just a simple click! Bee Media has more than 10,000 verified leads,daily on all major markets both on PC and in the Mobile world. With most of the top online direct advertisers using Bee Media along with many agencies and affiliates, Bee Media is the go–to destination for high quality traffic.Contact Us:martin@beemedia.biz